Welcome to the
Kristoffersson Cup

The Tournament
The Kristoffersson Cup is held annually
at the Manjimup Country Club.
2025 dates are:
Friday, 7th February 2025
18 holes 4BBB Stableford
Same sex or mixed competition
Entry Fee $50 per player
Friday evening meal included
Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th February 2025
2 day Individual Stableford 18 holes
Separate competitions for ladies and gents
Entry Fee $125 per player
Saturday evening meal and Sunday meal included
Entertainment Saturday Night
Kristoffersson Furniture
Waugh's Forest Services
Mayfield Park Farms
Shelter Brewing Co Busselton
Steve's Menswear
Southern Belle Boutique
Slab N Burl Hardwoods
Drummond Golf Mandurah
Forest Fresh Marron Pemberton
Newton Brothers Orchards
Fontys Hire
GJ Freight Manjimup
Hidden River Estate
Lost Lake Winery
Middelsex 31
Pemberley of Pemberton
The Truffle & Wine Co

The Event
Friday, 8th February 2019
4BBB Stableford
18 holes
Same sex or mixed competition
Saturday, 9th and Sunday, 10th February 2019
2 day Individual Stableford
18 holes
Gents and Ladies events
Entertainment including a meal for players on Friday and Saturday evenings
BBQ on Sunday afternoon
Wine Tasting on Saturday from 5.00pm to 6.30pm
Nominations via MiTournament is preferred.
If this is not possible you can enter by manual entry form or contact the club for assistance.
If you do not have a partner for the Friday event please register as an individual and advise that you require a partner and we will arrange a partner for you.
For enquiries find contact details below:
Manjimup Country Club
PO Box 255
Manjimup WA 6258
Email: golf@manjimupcountryclub.com.au

2025 Entry Fees
Friday event - $50 per player
Weekend event - $125 per player
Friday night guest meal : $25
Saturday night guest meal : $45
Sunday guest meal : $10
Entry fees can be paid by bank deposit to Westpac:
BSB 036-126
Account 60-1957
Your fees will cover the competition entry and an evening meal for each player on Friday (Friday entry only) and Saturday (weekend entry only), plus a players meal on Sunday (weekend entry only).
Important Information
Please make your own arrangements with golf carts.
Trophies will be held for 3 months only after the event. Please make your own arrangements for collection.
Please note that no BYO Liquor is permitted.
Accommodation is available at the Gateway Hotel, Manjimup Hotel, Manjimup Motor Inn, Kingsley Motel, Warren Way Caravan Park, Fonty’s Pool Caravan Park and Manjimup Central Caravan Park.
For further advice, please call Manjimup Tourist Bureau on 08 9771 1831
On behalf of the Kristoffersson family, and in memory of “The Swede”, thank you so much for supporting this event.

Thank you to our Sponsors
Tournament Sponsors
Kristoffersson Furniture - https://www.kristoffersson.com.au/
Waugh's Forrest Services - http://www.fpc.wa.gov.au/waughs-forest-services
Southern Belle Boutique Manjimup-
Tall Timbers Manjimup-https://www.talltimbersmanjimup.com.au/
Slab n Burl - https://www.slabnburlhardwoods.com.au
Mayfield Park Farms - http://www.mayfieldfarm.com.au/
Drummond Golf Mandurah - https://www.drummondgolf.com.au/
Steve's Menswear Manjimup -
Newton Bros. Orchards-http://newtonorchardsfarming.com.au/
GJ Freight-http://www.gjfreight.com.au/
Fonty's Hire-https://www.fontyspartyhire.com.au/
Wine & Truffle Company - truffleandwine.com.au/
Lost Lake Winery - www.lostlake.com.au/
Pemberley Wines - www.pemberleyfarms.com.au/
Middlesex 31 - middlesex31.com.au/
Hidden River Estate-https://www.hiddenriver.com.au/

Conditions of Play
Entrants must have an approved handicap. Golf Link Card to be swiped prior to event. If player does not have a Golf Link Card, proof of handicap must be produced.
The competition shall be played in accordance with the Rules of Golf and Local Rules of the Manjimup Country Club.
The Match Committee of the Club is in charge of the competition and: (a) it reserves the right to accept or refuse an entry and to restrict the number of entrants; (b) it shall decide the method to be employed in the event of a tie; (c) no player is eligible for more than one trophy; and (d) the Match Committee of the Club reserves the right to adjust handicaps and vary conditions of play in any way found necessary.
First Gross ties for event will be played on a sudden death basis using holes numbers 1 & 2. All other ties to be decided by count back method.
Local Rules displayed on blackboard on veranda.
The organising committee to arrange the order of starting times. Request for times taken into consideration only.
All competitors to report to the starter no less than 15 minutes before scheduled hit off time.
All score cards to be handed to the scorer or placed in the box provided within a reasonable time of completion of around.
Monies NOT-REFUNDED after the Draw has been posted.
Dress Code - neat and tidy golf attire - No thongs or track pants. Match Committee to adjudicate on inappropriate dress.
Open to all amateur golfers male & female.
The Match Committee reserves the right to adjust to ballot players if necessary.
Entries to the Competition will be on a first in basis. If the field is deemed full before close of entry, those nominations will become the reserve player list and be awarded positions in order of entry date.